- lows: 28 - 55 F
- highs: 45 - 66 F
- turnips
- kale
- beets
- radishes
- Meyers lemons
- 1 half-gallon raw goat milk
- 1 pint jar dehydrated lemon rind
Egg Counts
- Sun. 1
- Mon. 0
- Tues 1
- Wed. 0
- Thurs. 1
- Fri. 1
- Sat. 0
- Week's Total: 4
- day of rest
- substituted sweet potatoes in my scalloped potato & ham recipe for dinner. Yummy!
- cold and drizzly
- made yogurt
- finished shelling & winnowing the popcorn. Yield: 17.75#
- 3 pounds popcorn for Christmas gifts
- 1/2 pound saved for next year's seed
- raked leaves
- mulched turnips & lettuce
- fed turnip greens to goats
- used turnip for a 1 gallon crock of sauerruben. Tried adding whey to the salt solution in this batch.
- lost a quart of canned green tomatoes :( Seal broke.
- raked more leaves & mulched garlic bed
- made a lemon pie with homestead lemons, eggs, & milk!
- sliced & dehydrated leftover lemon rind
- kale & radish salad for dinner
- roasted sweet potatoes, turnips, & beets for dinner too
- started culling roosters
- raked more leaves & mulched
- cleared away black plastic in old strawberry bed. It was supposed to smother everything underneath but tore in a few places & didn't do a good job. Wire grass is a plague over there.
- thinned broccoli
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